Our vision is to build the largest community of STEM minds and their projects

Big goals with big impact

Where STEM minds shine

Our why

Because students are the future problem-solvers of our world’s most critical challenges. Our mission is to create a space where they can share projects, find inspiration, and take action.

We currently support this by partnering with passionate STEM organizations that host student project competitions, providing a built-in incentive for students to showcase their work. However, we recognize that many students may lack the resources or opportunities to participate in these competitions.

That’s why our long-term vision is to open our community to all individual students and their projects, making our platform a truly inclusive space for all STEM minds to grow, innovate, and contribute to a better world—regardless of their participation in competitions. More on that soon…

Who we are

ProjectBoard's leadership team




Co-Founder, Product Lead


Technology Lead


Project Delivery Lead


Communications Lead

Our story

Our purpose is our passion